Tagemet (amerika), oder Cimetidin Handelsnamen: Cimetag (A), CimLich (D), H 2 Blocker (D), Neutromed (A), Ulcostad (A) und weitere Generika (D, A)
Fazit: Ist altes Mittel gegen Sodbrennen. Führt auch zu Immunstimulation. Es gibt 173 Kommentare unter der Seite, die meisten sind Erfolgsberichte dass Warzen nach paar Monaten verschwunden sind damit (obwohl sie zb jahrelang andere sachen probiert haben). Der eine hat aldara und veregen gemacht, mti Tagemet ist es dann erst weggegangen
Leider ist es wohl rezeptpflichtig (weil wenn man andere Medikamente nimmt kann es Nebenwirkungen geben)
Vielleicht frag ich mal in Apotheke ob ich es so kriege. Weil scheint ein günstiges Mittel, aber zum einnehmen, also gut kombinierbar mit den Salben.
https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2005/10/...amet-for-warts/ One study found that more than 80 percent of treated patients had a significant response, though it did take six to eight weeks to see improvement.* The dose was 30 mg/kg/day. To calculate weight in kg, divide the weight in pounds by 2.2. How Tagamet might work remains elusive, though one theory has it the drug alerts the immune system so the body attacks the virus that causes warts.
Kommentare: have suffered with warts for over 20 yrs. must had hundreds of them started talking Tagamet twice a day( not willing to take high dose of anything). After 3 months, majority of warts are gone, I have a few left.
She was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed her Cimetidine 800mg 3x a day. It took about 6 months but with no other treatment, it cleared it up.
So the story goes, I started taking Tagamet otc 2x a day for the last 3 weeks. I’ve been filing the dead skin 2x a week and noticed that it hasn’t grew back (the callus that usually does) and as of today it’s almost gone!!! I’ve spent thousands of dollars trying to get rid of it and who knew, Tagamet???
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cimetidin Darüber hinaus hemmt Cimetidin die H2-Rezeptoren an T-Suppressorzellen und unterbindet deren Wirkung, was zu einer indirekten Immunstimulation führt.
Da Cimetidin einen hemmenden Einfluss auf einige Cytochrom-P450-Enzyme hat, sind durch Wirkverlängerung- und -verstärkung zahlreiche Interaktionen möglich und führt somit zu einer Inkompatibilität mit Arzneistoffen, die als Enzym-Induktoren an CYP-450-Enzymen wirken, oder von selbigen abgebaut werden.[17] Dies ist auch ein Grund dafür, warum Cimetidin nicht im rezeptfreien OTC-Verkauf zur Verfügung steht, im Vergleich zu den anderen H2-Blockern
Hast du in den Kommentaren gelesen? In den Kommentaren unter dem Bericht steht extrem oft dass der Hautarzt ihnen das Mittel verschrieben hat, oft bei Kindern.
Also das positive sind die ganzen positiven Berichte, negativ ist dass die letzten Studien wohl nicht so positiv waren wie die ersten.
Muss erst noch zur Apotheke schauen. Ich denke so ein Sodbrennen Mittel sollte ziemlich billig sein und sollte mich nicht umbringen.
(Berichte beim drüberlesen:
Tagamet worked for me it took two cycles of it though. So glad I tried for the second time as my doctor recommended about a week before the med was done they all went away.
My daughter got one small wart on middle finger. Dr. told me she’d “grow out of it.” She did NOT outgrow it. It got bigger & she developed several more right at the base of her fingernails (they were raised type…not flat) At this point Dr. put injections in them while tears streamed down my baby’s face. And the shots did NOTHING!! She started getting another on her lip. This time a very irate mommy took her back. They prescribed a generic 300mg Tagamet… 2 tsp for 90 days. By day 50 all warts GONE…. Thank God !!! I will keep her on it until 90 are up to make sure virus is gone, but it WORKS!!! I had no idea it was even Tagamet.
My six year old daughter had been dealing with childhood molluscum warts for a year and a half. Our first doctor tried at least 6 different prescription creams over that time. The treatments were sometimes painful and never worked. The ugly warts continued to spread all over her legs. It was a nightmare! Since they are contagious (She caught them from a kid in her kindergarten) they spread to her brother. Then I found a new doctor. She immediately prescribed Tagamet (aka Cimetidine)The warts started disappearing in 3 weeks. By 8 weeks they were totally gone! We were so happy. Just wish I would have known about this treatment sooner.
I had a problem with a wart on my hand and knee, I wouldn’t wear shorts. But I took tagamet, one tablet a day and in less than a month both of the warts disappeared. My only side effect in the beginning was I got dizzy. (: )